
The data from temperature gradient double tension tests and dynamic small scale tests on two steels having different toughness levels have been utilised in a quasi-static crack arrest analysis. An energy balance approach using the total initial elastic energy progressively depleted by the absorbed fracture propagation energy predicted arrest temperatures to within 7°C of the values measured at the arrested crack tip in double tension tests. The general criterion for crack arrest including conditions where crack tunnelling by shear occurs is: R s >σ 2 iL/2E(1+a p /W) where R s is the mean impact propagation energy per unit area required for arrest; σ i is the initial applied gross section stress; L is the effective length of the whole of the structure; a p is the length of the arrested crack; W is the width; E is the elastic modulus. The above expression applies to service conditions as well as to laboratory tests. It incorporates the kinetic energy which is a means whereby the total elastic energy is made available for fracture. For linear elastic plane strain conditions with no tunnelling, the equivalent stress intensity factor K s derived from the above is: K s >σ i/(1/(2W tan( πa p /2W))+2a p /WL) 0.5. This expression can only be applied to predict arrest where L and, therefore, the total energy of the structure is low and the slope of d K/d a is negative.

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