
AbstractThe Systems Engineering Rapid Assessment Process is defined here as a quick assessment effort involving only one or two systems engineers. It was analyzed in the AT&T Advanced Technical Systems (ATS) division for improvement opportunities. The methodology used for this study was that set forth in the Process Quality Management and Improvement (PQMI) guidelines. The process was determined to have four readily defined phases. It begins with the Formulation Phase, in which the systems engineer characterizes the problem. Next, an action plan is laid out in the Planning Phase. Then comes the Assessment Phase, in which the work mapped out in the action plan is actually performed. Finally, the last phase is the close‐out phase, which is essentially a documentation effort.It was determined that the best apparent improvement opportunity for this process was to create a set of guidelines, formatted in the form of a single‐page checklist. The checklist was reviewed and tested for effectiveness. As expected, it was found to be an aid to the engineer in both increasing the quality of assessment output and in decreasing the time required for this output. It is also not burdensome to use, as it requires very little up‐front investment of time.

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