
Italtel SIT BUCT Linea UT has been conducting a software process improvement program since 1991, following some of the most widespread paradigms, including: process certification in accordance with ISO 9001, Process Quality Management and Improvement (PQMI), process assessment in accordance with Bootstrap. After four years, the improvement program has brought to tangible quantitative benefits and to the reaching of a stable maturity level 3. Among the lines of actions that have been set up to feed and care the continuous improvement program, a particular emphasis has been put on the experimentation of defect prevention techniques. In this context, a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) program has been implemented, focusing both on failures and on scheduling slippages.The paper is focused on the experiences matured, dealing with the following topics: basics of the Italtel SIT BUCT Linea UT process improvement program; summary of the benefits achieved and of the challenges set for the next future; the adoption of Root Cause Analysis techniques for the sake of defect prevention; the results from the application of RCA to the failures found in operation; the extension of RCA to the investigation of scheduling slippages; the feed-back on the development process. From a technical point of view, RCA has contributed to a better understanding of the development/ testing practices and to the adoption of a number of corrective actions. From a methodological point of view, RCA has proven to be powerful in singling out improvement opportunities; for this reason the software producing unit is aiming at its extension and standardisation. The goals, the activities, the results and the findings are presented in adherence with a PlanDo-Check-Act (PDCA) paradigm and are supported by quantitative data. The conclusions of the study can be summarised as follows: From a technical point of view, RCA has contributed to a better understanding of the development/ testing practices and to the adoption of a number of corrective actions. From a methodological point of view, RCA has proven to be powerful in singling out improvement opportunities; for this reason the software producing unit is aiming at its extension and standardisation. KeywordsProcess improvementRCAPDCABootstrap.

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