
Machine Translation (MT) is the process of automatically converting the text or speech in one natural language to another language with the help of a machine. This work presents a Bidirectional Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system of an extremely low resource language pair Mizo-English, built in a low resource setting. A total of 30800 sentences are collected from the English Bible dataset and manually translated to Mizo by a native linguistic expert to generate the English-Mizo parallel dataset. After subjecting to various pre-processing steps, the parallel dataset is used to build our MT system using MOSES tools. Our framework uses different tools, such as GIZA++ for creating the Translation Model (TM) and IRSTLM to determine the probability of the target model. The quality of our MT system is evaluated using two automatic evaluation metrics: BLEU and METEOR. Our MT systems are also manually evaluated using two parameters: adequacy and fluency.

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