
This study explores the relationship between excellence in public relations and its predicting variables. It develops a ten-item measurement of excellence in public relations based on generic principles of public relations. A total of 249 IABC (International Association for Business Communicators) members from 14 countries participated in the survey. Each respondent was asked to answer questions about the public relations activities of their organization. The relationships between excellence in public relations and its various predictors were tested using regression analysis. Those predictors were: (1) number of employees, (2) years of operation, (3) level of globalization, (4) type of organization, (5) pressure by activist groups, (6) number of PR practitioners, (7) relative size of PR department, (8) education level of primary communicator and (9) gender of primary communicator. The findings indicated that PR practitioner ratio, education level of primary communicator and the level of pressure by activist groups are significant predictors for excellence in public relations controlling for other predictors.

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