
The paper focuses on the technology for professional pedagogical competence formation of the students of master degree course of agrarian specialities. The main purpose of the article is to determine the most efficient technology for the formation of the given competence. The components of the technology are action-oriented, content-oriented, procedural and component of evaluative results. Action-oriented component includes strategic objective, tactical objectives and operative objectives. Content-oriented component reflects interdisciplinary connection of agrarian subjects, elective course, practical training and research scientific work. Procedural component contains forms, methods, techniques of students' training. Component of evaluative results considers control methods and methods of self-control. The author determines the main stages of the technology. Since some curricula of agrarian master degree course in institutions of higher education do not contain pedagogical and psychological disciplines, the implementation of elective courses is the question of vital importance. An elective course ''Professional and Pedagogical Competence Formation of the Future Teachers of Institutions of Higher Agrarian Education'' helps to develop knowledge, skills and personal characteristics necessary for future pedagogical activity of the students. The author gives the description of individual and group tasks for the students involved in elective course training. The main methods used during the programme of the elective course are innovative and active methods. The most efficient methods are case-method, method of pedagogical training, portfolio method. The main aims of the elective course have been determined by the author.

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