Power management is an important branch of analog integrated circuits, power management chips or modules are widely used in various types of electronic products, and the advantages of DC-DC converters in terms of efficiency and stability make it occupy an important position in power management. Constantly updated electronic products also put forward high requirements on the design of power management chips. The design of DC-DC converters should be fast on the premise of meeting the performance requirements, so as to grasp the market opportunities and shorten the product launch cycle. This paper introduces a top-down fast design method for DC-DC converters by designing a Buck-type DC-DC converter as an example. First, some ideal components are proposed to equate each component module of the DC-DC converter, and then system-level coupling is performed to achieve the target output results, after which the sub-module design can be carried out according to the performance index of each ideal device module, using such an idea. The efficiency of the design can be greatly accelerated by using this idea.
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