
Abstract: Global Position System (GPS) application is quite possibly the most valuable instrument in transportation the executives nowadays. The Roadway transportation is an significant function of GPS. To track down the briefest courses to a spot is the key issue of organization investigation. To address this issue, we have numerous calculations and procedures like Dijkstra algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, Bellman Portage Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, A* Algorithm furthermore, numerous others. In this paper our fundamental goal is to assess the brute force algorithm and the dynamic programming algorithm in settling the Shortest path issue (The travelling salesman issue). The paper will be finished up by giving the results of time and space complexity of these algorithms. To help a salesman visit every one of the urban communities in the rundown (giving the area of urban areas as the information) and he knows the area of the multitude of urban communities and track down the shortest path with the end goal that he visits every one of the urban areas just a single time and gets back to the city where he begun. The distance (cost) and the relating way ought to be shown as yield.

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