
Cloud Computing is widespread to support industrial and academy related applications worldwide. The archival data process in the cloud is one of the challenging tasks. To handle this issue, the authors addressed the model, which allows authenticating the cloud storage using the JOSS (Java Library for Open stack storage) through the authentication URL. To achieve the authentication of the heterogeneous data while uploading into the cloud storage, a proposed model developed using the JOSS. To address this research question and demonstrate our approach, we have created the API for the archival solution in order to authenticate the cloud storage using the JOSS authentication model, providing the authentication URL. It consists of the user id and password for the verification of the user while transmitting the data into the cloud storage. The API is becoming dynamic and complex, and one of the major challenges faced by the developer in order to develop appropriate standalone applicataion interface. The extensible mechanism for authentication requires a URL in order to connect to the cloud storage system. The objective of this paper is to enhance/optimize the rate of transmission to upload the data in the cloud storage using the rclone.

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