
Abstract Convective boundary layer (CBL) depth can be estimated from dual-polarization WSR-88D radars using the product differential reflectivity (ZDR), because the CBL top is co-located with a local ZDR minimum produced by Bragg scatter at the interface of the CBL and the free troposphere. Quasi-vertical profiles (QVPs) of ZDR are produced for each radar volume scan and profiles from successive times are stitched together to form a time-height plot of ZDR from sunrise to sunset. QVPs of ZDR often show a low-ZDR channel that starts near the ground and rises during the morning and early afternoon, identifying the CBL top. Unfortunately, results show that this channel within the QVP can occasionally be misleading. This motivated creation of a new variable: DVar, which combines ZDR with its azimuthal variance and is particularly helpful at identifying the CBL top during the morning hours. Two methods are developed to track the CBL top from QVPs of ZDR and DVar. Although each method has strengths and weaknesses, the best results are found when the two methods are combined using inverse variance weighting. The ability to detect CBL depth from routine WSR-88D radar scans rather than from rawinsondes or lidar instruments would vastly improve our understanding of CBL depth variations in the daytime by increasing the temporal and spatial frequency of the observations.

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