
In this paper, we will be performing a detailed analysis of the application of Bernoulli’s Theorem in aviation and aerodynamics. The aim of our experiment and consequently this paper is to verify the application of Bernoulli’s Theorem in the aviation industry. In the field of aerodynamics, Bernoulli’s Theorem has been specifically used in shaping the wings of an aircraft.
 Over the years, however there has been a significant controversy in the aviation industry regarding the generation of lift force, especially the applicability of Newton’s Third Law of Motion along with Bernoulli’s Theorem. The controversy seems to be due to a combined effect of Newton’s and Bernoulli’s theorems’ (e.g. ‘Equal Transit Time Theory’), which may be incorrectly applied in the real world. Further, it seems that people are over-simplifying the problem of aerodynamic lift leading to the dismissal of either one of the theorems, when in reality both the theorems seem to be at play, as explained in this paper. For the generation of lift in air, momentum, mass and energy need to be conserved. Newton’s laws take into account the conservation of momentum, whereas Bernoulli’s Theorem considers the conservation of energy. Hence, they are both relevant for the generation of lift in air. However, no one has been able to determine accurately the working of both these theorems in the process of providing lift to an aircraft. Through this research paper, we have been able to prove the effect of Bernoulli’s Theorem in generating lift in air.

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