
This study assesses the motivation and commitment levels of lecturers in Nigerian public universities. Motivation and commitment are crucial factors that contribute to lecturers' performance, job satisfaction, and overall effectiveness in their roles. The study explores both external and internal factors that influence lecturers' motivation and commitment. The findings highlight the significance of external factors such as satisfactory salary, promotion opportunities, job security, and recognition in motivating lecturers. Adequate compensation packages, including competitive salaries and additional benefits, are instrumental in attracting and retaining highly qualified lecturers. Promotion opportunities provide a sense of career progression and growth, while job security fosters stability and job satisfaction. Recognition and appreciation through incentives and gratuities positively impact lecturers' motivation and commitment. Internal factors, such as intrinsic job satisfaction, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, also contribute to lecturers' motivation and commitment. Lecturers who find meaning and fulfillment in their profession are more likely to exhibit higher levels of commitment and job satisfaction. Opportunities for personal and professional growth, supportive work environments, positive interpersonal relationships, and a sense of achievement play crucial roles in their internal motivation. To enhance lecturers' motivation and commitment, university administrators should focus on improving compensation packages, providing avenues for career advancement, creating conducive work environments, and investing in professional development programs. By addressing these factors, universities can create an environment where lecturers feel valued, supported, and motivated to excel in their roles. The study concludes that the success of Nigerian public universities heavily relies on the dedication and expertise of their lecturers. By understanding and addressing the factors that influence lecturers' motivation and commitment, institutions can foster an environment that promotes excellence in teaching, research, and overall academic performance.

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