
People houses that founded in 1932, were active within nine branch and these branches studies which had worked under Fine Art Department were to considered very important. People houses where music revolution experienced far and wide, were purposed to disseminated polyhonic music culture formed by Gökalp’s national music opinions. General Secretariat of CHP, issued a circular letter in 1948 for learning the situation of music studies and determining which music studies did people houses showing tendency to? 9 question adressed to 93 people houses and 71 of them answered these questions within the circular letter at issued. Document analysis method used in research and limited with 15 people houses that had been located in east and southeast province which answered the 1948 circular letter, In conclusion part, the situation of music studies and at what rate of goals achieved in these mentioned people houses discussed. Within the frame of 1948 circular letter, music studies in east – southeast people houses substantially, didn’t reach main purposes. Key words: CHP, People Houses, Department of Fine Arts, Music Branch

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