The retrospective analysis of emergence of out-of-school art education of the region is made in the article, organization and role of extracurricular education in Ukraine, its organizers and researchers in this field. The emergence and development of art school of Transcarpathia in the twentieth century led to the formation of new generations of artists and the creation of art education. Out-of-school educational establishments of artistic and aesthetic direction were created for young children of the first school age, the first of which was a studio of fine arts under the direction of Zoltan Bakonii. Following the example of this studio in Transcarpathia in the second half of the twentieth century. opened children's art schools with the department of fine arts in the cities of Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Khust, Vynohradiv, v.Chynadiyevo, etc., where teachers were mostly graduates of Transcarpathian art educational establishments. The development of art education in Transcarpathia and the extracurricular education of the region was studied by Nebesnyk I. I., Voloshchuk A .V, Mochan T. M, Rosul T. I. In the system of art education in Transcarpathia, founded by Adalbert Erdeli and Joseph Boksai, such well-known teachers as V. Skakandii, I. Masniuk, N. Ponomarenko, M. Syrohman, L. Prymych, V. Manailo, E. Roman, T. Bartosh, H. Homoki, V. Dorosh, A. StasIuk and others studied and worked there. Important role in the development of regional extracurricular education of artistic and aesthetic orientation belongs to such well-known pedagogues-educators as V. Burch and V. Tsibere. They played a major role in the creation of Mukachevo Children's ArtSchool named after M. Munkachi. This school of arts, after Z. Bakonii's studio, is one of the first art schools in the field where fine arts is taught. Later the art departments were based on children's music schools. The fine arts department at Uzhhorod Children's School of Arts started its activity in 1984. Most of the teachers came to Zoltan Bakonii's schools: V. Vovchok, O. Sidoruk, G. Kramarenko, E. Roman (head of the department of fine art) and others. Over 200 students study at the fine arts department of named school. During the 1990s, Transcarpathian extracurricular institutions were stagnant and even have undergone a numerical reduction. Since the beginning of 2000, as a result of the successful management of local administrations and their successful policies, their activities have been normalized and coordinated with the work of leading educational establishments of the art education of the region, in particular the College of Arts named after A. Erdeli and the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts. The joint actions and events, workshops for the students of art schools of the region, as well as training courses and seminars for teachers are held. Therefore, in the system of continuous art education (school, college, academy), extra-curricular institutions play an important role. At the School of Arts children learn the basics of fine literacy, academic drawing, painting, composition and get acquainted with examples of the world's best art at the Art history lessons. It is at the School of Arts that the artistic and aesthetic tastes and sensations of beauty are formed, the aesthetic education of young people, its professional orientation, and the formation of artistic environment of the region. In the field of art education, this three-stages system is important, because it solves its sectoral tasks and is a very important link and system of continuous art education in Transcarpathia.
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