
The purpose of this article is to describe the development of a knowledge-based system that, aided by rules, can support the decision-making processes of the sales department of a company. The knowledge-based system can bring reliability and agility to the decision-making process, and can allow for simulating future scenarios for the company, according to the combined behaviour of key variables. All variables identified in the study have some degree of importance for the decision-making process; they must be analysed together to produce a reliable answer, otherwise, an incorrect decision can emerge, damaging the execution of the company ’ s strategy. The main contribution of this study is a case report in which a knowledge-based system helped to find an adequate alternative to a business problem in the sales sector of a company in the south of Brazil.


  • Today it is not enough for companies only to have greater productivity than their competitors, or to meet the demand for survival and growth in the market

  • As soon as a competitive advantage is perceived by the market, competitors initiate copying and retaliation [1, 2]

  • Competitive advantages should be considered by the company as temporary situations

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Apr 2018 3 Jul 2019 30 Aug 2019

The purpose of this article is to describe the development of a knowledge-based system that, aided by rules, can support the decision-making processes of the sales department of a company. The knowledge-based system can bring reliability and agility to the decision-making process, and can allow for simulating future scenarios for the company, according to the combined behaviour of key variables. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die ontwikkeling van ’n kennisgebaseerde stelsel te beskryf wat met die hulp van reëls, die besluitnemingsprosesse van die verkope- en bemarkingsafdeling van ’n maatskappy kan ondersteun. Die kennisgebaseerde stelsel kan betroubaarheid en behendigheid tot die besluitnemingsproses bring, en kan toekomstige scenario’s vir die maatskappy simuleer, volgens die gekombineerde gedrag van die sleutelveranderlikes. Alle veranderlikes wat in die studie geïdentifiseer is, het ’n mate van belang vir die besluitnemingsproses, en moet saam ontleed word om ’n betroubare antwoord te lewer. Die hoof bydrae van hierdie studie isn gevalle studie van ’n geval waarin ’n kennisgebaseerde stelsel gehelp het om ’n voldoende alternatief vir ’n besigheidsprobleem in die verkope-afdeling van ’n maatskappy in die suide van Brasilië te vind

Objective variables
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