
Better health is one of the most important aspect of the overall development and progress of any country. In the context of India, tribals are an integral part, which are 8.6 percent of the total population of the country. Scarce public health care services in India and related issues are currently the most discussed topic with recent outbreak of Covid-19 affecting human life terribly and still persisting. Health care issue affects every individual in the society. In tribal areas health care issues become even more important because as it seems that this section of society is still comparatively in unprivileged condition and not properly exploited the benefits of development process.India's development cannot be imagined without improvement of rural and tribal health. This article highlights major issues prevailing in the rural tribal health care system of India, which arises many barriers to tribal health and the holistic development of the country. Based on the blending results of several multi-factual studies, it is known that there exist many issues prevailingin the rural tribal health care delivery system. Many issues are there which are responsible for poor and complex tribal health status among the tribes, such as, low awareness about health, different religious and cultural beliefs, unrealistic health practices, living in difficult and inaccessible areas, financial problems, various infectious diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and poor public health care facilities, etc. These issues have attracted renewed attention from physicians, health policy experts, various health agencies as well as the general public, particularly tribal societies, which are most affected by these issues. Keywords: Health Status; Health Infrastructure; Rural Health Care Services; Tribal Culture And Practices; Health Policy; Public Involvement And Awareness.

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