
As a significant school in contemporary cognitive science, gestalt psychology provides theoretical framework for the multidimensional research on cognitive study. The organization of gestalt perceptual principle provides conceptual model to the psychophysical field and has an overwhelming impact on various gestalt perception laws. Gestalt perception laws’ major theoretical perspectives make them as the methodological principle of gestalt image (image-G) study in cognitive translation which could be viewed from both mental and conceptual perspectives. By employing gestalt perception laws, the paper focuses on making a tentative and exploratory study of gestalt image transmission in Chinese literary translation and thus aims to discover translators’ conceptual mental experience of image-G transmission in Chinese literary translation through their cognitive processing.


  • In the past research, perceptual theory was under the upper hand over the structuralist propositions of which a whole consists of parts and the parts constitute a whole

  • In one and all principles of grouping scene, elements who share a close interdependence in regard to the specified characteristics and qualities incline to be categorized together. Those specified characteristics and qualities pertaining to unit grouping may be set isolated and concluded to a larger unit, they are not utterly deprived of their distinctiveness in a larger unit (Sasaki, 2007). Due to these researches’ scope, the conceptual model and theoretical framework of gestalt perception is a promising paradigm to take stock of what we can explore about gestalt image transmission of perceptual organization in Chinese literary translation and how our understanding of translators’ conceptual mental experience of image-G transmission in Chinese literary translation through their cognitive processing

  • Image-G in literary translation has certain tangible implication which, anyhow, is not dissociated from or spatially or inferential prior to the composition of literary discourse, As we have explored in the case of cognitive linguistic application, those gestalt perception law is conventional in broadest respects that, in the discourse of literary context mentioned above, they can be applied to image-G transmission in literary translation, and image-G transmission can be put in effect independently in the similar cognition pattern or the engendering gestalt

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Perceptual theory was under the upper hand over the structuralist propositions of which a whole consists of parts and the parts constitute a whole They proposed that complicated perceptual phenomena were formulated from particles of basic color perception and consciousness and integrated by associations owing to the proximity of spatial and temporal nature (Pinna, 2009). The issue of gestalt perceptual grouping in sensory fields was put forward by Wertheimer (1996) in regard to how human being successful in discerning grouping scenes making up of surfaces, parts, and a whole systematically organized in mental procedure instead of the disorderly, energetic aggregation of zillions of nonidentical colors exhibited by human being’s retinal receptors He managed to explore this matter in question by finding out impetus features that brought about fundamental formation of elements to be discerned as well ordered in individual grouping scene. Due to these researches’ scope, the conceptual model and theoretical framework of gestalt perception is a promising paradigm to take stock of what we can explore about gestalt image transmission of perceptual organization in Chinese literary translation and how our understanding of translators’ conceptual mental experience of image-G transmission in Chinese literary translation through their cognitive processing

Gestalt Perception and Gestalt Perception Laws
Law of Closure
Law of Good Continuity
Law of Similarity
Law of Proximity
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