
Dairying is an important source of income for many rural women in India, particularly those who live in the countryside. Female employees in the animal husbandry industry contribute significantly to India's economy, which cannot be understated. Women's empowerment has been quantified, assessed, and defined in several ways since it is typically considered a major aspect of the well-being of women and their families. Observation is impossible, but it is possible to approach it. Dairy cooperatives for women are part of the Women Dairy Development Project (WDDP), which was designed not only to generate income for the women involved but also to train them in topics like scientific management of milking animals and health and environmental concerns, as well as kitchen gardening and food preservation techniques as well as ways to generate income. On the socio-cultural level, Gujarat is one of India's most economically developed areas, and class and gender are the primary factors that influence the socio-economic condition of distinct communities. Since this state was chosen for the study, the data was gathered using an interview schedule, and the appropriate and conventional statistical procedures were used to analyze it. The primary goal of the study is to examine how dairy cooperatives might better empower its female members. In the study the researcher has examined the data of 235 respondents. Gender, educational attainment, family structure, and occupation are all considered by the researcher. The findings indicate that Socio-Economic Empowerment is statically significate with Education qualification and is not significant to the gender and family type and is negatively insignificant to Occupation.

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