
Digitalisation is the use of electronic or online method of transactions in many was like financial transactions, education and in service and the social sectors like in social administration, digitalisation has made various job opportunities and empowerment of women in Indian states, Rural Education through mobile technology will allow rural women to stay updated with the latest developments encouraging literacy, improve skill capacity, establish and enhance financial independence and also prove to be a driving force in rising up to take part in societal activities that can help establish their dominance in the respective fields. What is Women Empowerment? Womens empowerment refers to the process of enabling women to have greater control over their lives and to be able to make their own decisions. This can include empowering women to participate fully in the economy and in the political process, as well as empowering them to make decisions about their own health and well-being. Womens empowerment is important because it can lead to a range of positive outcomes, including increased economic growth and development, improved health and well-being, and greater gender equality. The research article explains the benefits of the women empowerment, especially rural women in India. KEY WORDS: Digitalisation, Rural Women and women empowerment

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