
The gig economy, characterized by its flexible work arrangements and independent contractors, has witnessed rapid growth in recent years. However, it faces sustainability challenges related to worker welfare, income security, and job classification. This paper explores the emerging role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the gig economy and its potential impact on these sustainability concerns. Through an analytical lens, it examines the current applications of AI in the gig economy across various platforms and tasks, highlighting both efficiencies and potential biases.The anticipated effects of AI on gig workers including job displacement, skill requirements, and potential for wage changes.The implications of AI for the sustainability of the gig economy, analyzing how it might exacerbate existing challenges or pave the way for improvements in worker protections and platform governance.Potential policy considerations and recommendations to ensure a more sustainable and equitable gig economy in light of AI integration. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of AI's potential in the gig economy, advocating for proactive measures to address potential disruptions and harness its capabilities to create a more sustainable and rewarding future for the flexible workforce.

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