
Quantum Machine Learning is gaining prominence with the advent of real quantum processors. The quantum analogue of one of the most important and popular model of machine learning, namely Artificial Neural Network is studied and reviewed here in this paper. Various approaches to design and implement a quantum neural network has been studied. Most of the works done in this field involved a translation of classical neural network components into the language of quantum physics. But direct translation cannot be a solution as not every classical component has a quantum analogue. Non-linear activation functions are good examples of it. Quantum operators need to be linear and therefore finding alternate solutions to activation functions is an active area of research. Nevertheless, its advantages over the classical models are profound. Quantum superposition gives exponential storage capacity to a quantum network. Quantum parallelism can be put to use and to train the network with multiple inputs in one go. Despite being a new field, many real world applications of a quantum neural network has also been theorised. These models, their advantages, applications and limitations has been discussed in this paper.

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