
Introduction: This research examines the primary school education system in District South Karachi, focusing on pertinent issues. An essential component of any society's progress is education. It is one of society's primary cornerstones. Everything that has happened in the world has its roots in education. Methodology: Using a simple, descriptive survey, this research analyzes primary school education in District South Karachi. A sample of one hundred primary school teachers is randomly selected from public sector schools. Data is collected through a questionnaire assessing primary education challenges, with responses quantified on a Likert scale. Analysis entails frequency, percentage, and mean score calculations. Results/Findings: Teachers highlight prevalent issues in primary education, emphasizing the need for increased knowledge and motivation to address challenges in coordination with management, administrators, and policymakers. This focus is crucial for enhancing academic performance and student achievement. Future Direction: The study recommends policymakers and school management prioritize addressing identified issues to improve teacher performance and student outcomes. Efforts should concentrate on enhancing teacher knowledge and motivation to resolve challenges collaboratively with stakeholders.

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