
Arabia Terra is an ancient and large terrain which is located north of the Martian equator. Due to its ancient nature, it is heavily cratered, and these craters hold evidence of geologic processes during Mars’ history. During periods of high obliquity (>35°) it has been suggested that polar ice migration can occur at the lower latitudes. By investigating the impact craters within a localized area in the equatorial region of Arabia Terra, it can be determined how far this migration once occurred. This study aimed to investigate craters ≥1 km in diameter within the 0°N–10°N, 340°E–350°E area of Arabia Terra and determine the frequency of glacial and fluvial morphologies within this region. We divided the search area into two sections, 0°N–5°N, 340°E–350°E and 5°N–10°N, 340°E–350°E, to help identify any latitudinal variations between the glacial and fluvial morphologies.

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