
A Nano-structuredflexible bottom gate bottom contact (BGBC) organic thin film transistor based pentacenesensor was utilisedto compare between the two frequently used dielectric material i.ealuminiumoxide (Al2O3) and silicon dioxide (SiO2). The organic sensor served as an excellent gas sensor which was visualised through the simulation result in the form of variation between itsmax. and min. drain current and Ion /Ioffratio. The Ion / Ioffratio in the case ofaluminiumoxidewas found to be greater as compared to silicon dioxide whereas the minimum drain current was greater in the case of silicon dioxide and vice versa for the maximum drain current. On comparing the sensitivity of the device, which is the ratio of difference between min. drain current in the presence of any toxic gas and min. drain current in the absence of air to the min. drain current in the absence of air with respect tothe twodifferent electrodes wasfound to be 0.0314 for aluminiumoxide and 0.02964 for silicon dioxide. Hence, aluminiumoxide taking upper hand in sensitivity

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