
Hagfish slime threads are an interesting intermediate filament (IF) system in that, in contrast to hair, they appear to be a series system of IFs, consisting of rods and terminal domains (TDs), without matrix. The protein composition also differs from hair. Published data show that the wet stress–strain curve consists of four regions: I, increasing low modulus; II, plateau; III increasing higher modulus; IV decreasing modulus to break. Beyond 34% extension, there is plastic deformation, which contrasts with the elastic deformation of most biological fibres. The paper considers two explanations, one published by Fudge et al. [D.S. Fudge, K.H. Gardner, V.T. Forsyth, C. Riekel, J.M. Gosline, Biophys. J. 85 (2003) 2015] and one new, of deformation in the four regions. The former regards the TDs as elastic, entropic coils, which extend in region I. The latter regards the TDs as having a plastic, energy-dependent extension in regions III and IV, which is comparable to the drawing of polyester fibres. A rough theoretical model of jumps over energy barriers gives a similar prediction. Twist is suggested as a mechanism for overall thread cohesion. Experimental and theoretical ways forward to a greater understanding of the structural mechanics of hagfish threads are suggested. The behaviour of the total thread/mucus/water system is discussed and some speculations on the defensive mechanisms that have evolved are presented.

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