
We give an algebraic description of screw dislocations in a crystal, especially simple cubic (SC) and body centered cubic (BCC) crystals, using free abelian groups and fibering structures. We also show that the strain energy of a screw dislocation based on the spring model is expressed by the Epstein-Hurwitz zeta function approximately.


  • Mathematical descriptions of dislocations in crystal lattices have been studied extensively in the framework of differential geometry or continuum geometry [1, 2, 14, 17, 21]

  • We describe the continuum geometric property embedded in the euclidean space, whereas the algebraic structures involving group rings enable us to describe the discrete nature of the crystal lattices

  • We show that the strain energy of a screw dislocation based on the spring model is expressed by the Epstein-Hurwitz zeta function [9, 10] approximately

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Mathematical descriptions of dislocations in crystal lattices have been studied extensively in the framework of differential geometry or continuum geometry [1, 2, 14, 17, 21]. We give algebraic descriptions of screw dislocations in the simple cubic (SC) and the body centered cubic (BCC) crystals in terms of certain “fibrations” involving group rings. Using such fibering structures, we describe the continuum geometric property embedded in the euclidean space, whereas the algebraic structures involving group rings enable us to describe the discrete nature of the crystal lattices. We consider the fibering structure of the SC lattice in terms of the associated group ring and its quotient Using these descriptions, we will describe the screw dislocations in the SC lattice in Propositions 3.

Fibering structures of crystals in continuum picture
Multi-screw dislocation in continuum picture
Abelian group structure of SC lattice and its screw dislocations
Screw dislocation in simple cubic lattice
Algebraic description of screw dislocations in BCC lattice
Energy of screw dislocation
Remarks and discussions from physical viewpoints
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