
The French Revolution was preceded by a long intellectual and ideological preparation that was significantly marked by works of Jean Jacques Rousseau, especially by his Social contract. Hence, the Rousseau is one of many french thinkers whose teachings influenced this epochal event and inspired french revolutionaries during the whole revolutionary period. It is considered that Rousseau announced the French revolution and was its guide. From Burke to Quinet and Taine, many in the French revolution recognized precisely his dominant influence. And they were right, especially if we take into consideration the widely accepted Francois Furet's opinion on how exactly the Revolution proclaimed itself the heir of Rousseau and that Rousseau's principle according to which no one can rule unless authorized by the people, gathered without differences, all the revolutionary currents. Taking into account his undoubted contribution and the fact that his political theory in general, and especially his concept of indivisible and inalienable popular sovereignty, despite certain internal contradictions, is the culmination and ultimate logical consequence of the pre-revolutionary bourgeois political thought, the author's intention in this work is to show how Rousseauism influenced the French revolution and the political activities of the revolutionary leaders.


  • Apsolutna monarhija u 18.veku je bila dominantan oblik vladavine u skoro svim evropskim državama, osim u Velikoj Britaniji koja je imala,svoju slavnu revoluciju” u 17.veku

  • Što kako Ruso ističe jedini način da bi čovek ostao slobodan u takvom građanskom društvu, a da u isto vreme imamo čvrstu državu koja se zasniva na čvrstim temeljima, koja je jedinstvena, jeste da se potpuno ukinu sve pojedinačne volje, koje "po svojoj prirodi teže privilegijama", te pokoravanje jednoj opštoj volji to jest "volji čitave zajednice", koja teži jednakopravnosti i jednakosti, kojoj je cilj zajednički interes

  • This does not diminish the importance of his teachings and their influence on revolutionary leaders, nor does it diminish the fact that his political theory as a whole, and especially his conception of indivisible and inalienable people's sovereignty, despite certain internal contradictions, is the culmination of pre-revolutionary civic political thought

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Emir Bećirović

Apstrakt Francuska revolucija (1789.—1799.) je bila važan deo istorije Francuske, Evrope i zapadne civilizacije uopšte. Glavna prekretnica u istoriji zapadne demokratije - od vremena apsolutizma i aristokratije do doba građanstva kao glavne političke snage smatra se revolucija. Pored mnogobrojnih francuskih intelektualaca čija su dela i učenja podstakla široke narodne mase da pokrenu Francusku revoluciju, Rusoova dela se smatraju se kao najbitnijai kao ideološki vodič revolucije, a posebno delo Društveni ugovor. Kao i njegova koncepcija nedeljive i neotuđive narodne suverenostikoja je predstavljala glavnu poltičku misao pred sam početak Francuske revolucije. Cilj ovog rada jeste da se istakne uticaj Žan Žak Rusoa i njegovih dela na početak i tok Francuske revolucije, kao i na vođe I same učesnike revolucije. Ključne riječi: Francuska revolucija, Žan Žak Ruso, opšta volja, narodna suverenost

Žan Žak Ruso i Francuska revolucija
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