
To strengthen the competitive force in the current global market, the manufacturing enterprise should constantly carry out innovative design and produce new products in an effective way. However, up to 85% of the lifecycle costs of a product are determined during the conceptual design, while at this stage only about 5% of the lifecycle costs has been spent. Therefore, decisions made at this stage have significant influence. At the same time, product conceptual design is the process of collaboration with multidisciplinary experts. In this paper, an agent-based approach is presented for guiding mechanical product conceptual design. First, the functional parameters and design variables are given by analysing mechanical product design requirements, and a behavioural matrix model is proposed by using bond graph fundamental elements. Then, an agent-based framework is established for solving behavioural matrix model, realizing effort-flow transforming operations to produce functional means tree and multi-solutions, and making further evaluation with the aid of agent technologies. Finally, an example of the design synthesis is represented to show an application for the special jig design in the machine centre.

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