
The paper the original development of a device having the ability of data acquisition representing operating and control decisions from operation made by a automotive driver inside the cars cabin presents. The device is producing analogical and digital signals which can be interpreted and statistically processed to obtain information regarding emotional state or abilities of the driver, for example nervous state or his accuracy of the operations done in dynamic state when driving a certain car. The device is portable, it can be installed easily in the cars cabin without any physical intrusions in the structure of the vehicle and after installed it will acquire signals from acceleration, brake, gear shifter, clutch and the velocity of the vehicle. Evaluating the emotional state of the driver and the accuracy of the movements done by him during a driving session, the device can emit acoustic and visual output signals which in a certain manner will help to improve drivers skills. The human driver can interact with this device trough the touch screen display. If more of this devices having typical agents proprieties, are installed on vehicles, they can interact easily between them and communicate with an monitoring authority which is directing the traffics flow forming a SMA. The result of monitoring by a SMA of emotional states of the group of human drivers, as a second solution, complementary with the usage of the monitoring video cameras, can be useful to group leader (the detection of fatigue and exhaustion), or to the traffic flow legal authority (fluidization measures when detecting a growing of nervous state at a certain group in an area).

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