
A Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem involves multiple agents who want to reach their destinations without obstructing other agents. Although a MAPF problem needs to be solved for many real-world deployments, solving such a problem optimally is NP-hard. Many approaches have been proposed in the literature that offers sub-optimal solutions to this problem. For example, the Enhanced Conflict Based Search (ECBS) algorithm compromises the solution quality up to a constant factor to gain a notable runtime improvement. However, these algorithms use a fixed global sub-optimal bound for all agents, regardless of their preferences. In effect, with the increase in the number of agents, the runtime performance degrades. Against this backdrop, with the intent to further speed up the runtime, we propose an adaptive agent-specific sub-optimal bounding approach, called ASB-ECBS, that can be executed statically or dynamically. Specifically, ASB-ECBS can assign sub-optimal bound considering an individual agent’s requirement. Additionally, we theoretically prove that the solution cost of ASB-ECBS remains within the sub-optimal bound. Finally, our extensive empirical results depict a notable improvement in the runtime by using ASB-ECBS while reducing the search space compared to the state-of-the-art MAPF algorithms.


  • We define the Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem and discuss the Enhanced Conflict Based Search (CBS) (ECBS) algorithm in detail

  • Based on the agent’s conflict resolution requirement this approach has two versions: i) SASBECBS and ii) DASB-Enhanced CBS (ECBS). 2) We theoretically show that ASB-ECBS retains the W suboptimality of the solution cost for the MAPF problems

  • We have empirically evaluated the performance of ASBECBS comparing with the state-of-the-art MAPF algorithms

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We define the MAPF problem and discuss the ECBS algorithm in detail. A. MULTI-AGENT PATH FINDING In MAPF, a graph G(V, E) along with a set of k agents {a1, · · · , ak} are given. At each time-step t, an agent can either visit any of its adjacent nodes or wait at its current position. Both the actions, move and wait, incur a cost of 1. A path to the goal for an agent ai is a set of vertices {s(i0), · · · , s(iti)}, where ti is the number of time-steps required for an agent ai to reach its goal position and remain there. A solution of Rahman et al.: An Adaptive Agent-Specific Sub-Optimal Bounding Approach for Multi-Agent PathFinding

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