
An important type of grave in Amisos and its vicinity has been underground rock-cut burial chambers. In-situ findings from these chambers provide valuable data conceerning the Hellenistic and Roman Period burial traditions in Amisos. Undoubtedly the most important of such graves was encountered in 1995 during the road building work at Cedit neighbourhood, Ebusuud Street. The findings encountered in this chamber grave have been published enormously especially the golden finds attracted interest however no publications regarding the original situation of the grave, the in-situ locations of the grave gifts with a detailed description of the gifts, probable dating of the items and an evaluation of the chamber grave and findings with regard to Hellenistic burial traditions in Amisos were made. A detailed study of such a grave with abundant grave gifts and peculiar architectural characteristics which were not observed in other chamber graves in Amisos is essential as it would provide important clues about the economical structure of Amisos both during and after the Hellenistic Period. Moreover, the existence of similar chamber graves and findings in other Hellenistic colonies in Black Sea Region suggests strong political, social and trade links among the maritime cities in the region. Within the study the discovery of the chamber grave is given in detail. The grave gifts were carefully classified and the in-situ locations of these were 3-D drawn and the findings were dated using their parallels. The findings were catalogued and the building techniques were discussed. Lastly, which traditions were prevalent in Amisos during the Hellenistic Period as illustrated by the chamber grave and the grave gifts were discussed.

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