
The "yellow vests" movement in France has become a unique example of social protest in the digital age, proving that the broad masses of the population are capable of self-organization and they do not need individual leaders, parties or trade unions. Many works have been devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the "yellow vests" movement in Russian social and humanitarian science, the authors of which analyze in detail the causes, causes and consequences of its appearance, explore its characteristic features, features, strengths and weaknesses. However, there is still a lack of works in Russian, in which an attempt would be made to carry out periodization and chronologically describe the history of the movement of "yellow vests". The presence of such works would significantly facilitate the work of researchers who are just starting to study this topic, would allow them to quickly immerse themselves in the context of the social phenomenon under consideration. This work aims to fill this gap. Within the framework of the historical approach, based on the materials of the French press, an attempt has been made to recreate the chronology of the "yellow vests" movement in France, to trace the course of its development and highlight the main periods of its history.

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