
We investigate the amplitude (Higgs) mode associated with longitudinal fluctuations of the order parameter at the continuous spontaneous symmetry breaking phase transition. In quantum magnets, due to the fast decay of the amplitude mode into low-energy Goldstone excitations, direct observation of this mode represents a challenging task. By focusing on a quasi-one-dimensional geometry, we circumvent the difficulty and investigate the amplitude mode in a system of weakly coupled spin chains with the help of quantum MonteCarlo simulations, stochastic analytic continuation, and a chain-mean field approach combined with a mapping to the field-theoretic sine-Gordon model. The amplitude mode is observed to emerge in the longitudinal spin susceptibility in the presence of a weak symmetry-breaking staggered field. A conventional measure of the amplitude mode in higher dimensions, the singlet bond mode, is found to appear at a lower than the amplitude mode frequency. We identify these two excitations with the second (first) breather of the sine-Gordon theory, correspondingly. In contrast to higher-dimensional systems, the amplitude and bond order fluctuations are found to carry significant spectral weight in the quasi-1D limit.

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