
The region of Campania, one of the first areas to see the arrival of the Vitis vinifera subspecies vini - f e r a in Italy, is particularly rich in autocthonous vine varieties which are spread over r a t h e r limited are a s . Many of these are difficult to classify, are not listed in the National Registry of Varieties and are rarely found on the list of recommended and/or authorised varieties, even though they often have interesting production and oenological characteristics. Casavecchia, a black-berried variety used exclusively for vinification and spr e a d over a limited area in the province of Caserta, is one of these. An accurate ampelographic, agronomic and oeno - logic characterisation was undertaken with the aim of verifying the identity of the vine variety, evaluating it and clearing up the confusion due to the use of synonyms. Analysis of the data points to the potential of the variety, which is well adapted to its environment of cultivation and has a cycle characterised by scarce vigour , low productivity and complete maturation of the berries. Many of the analysed parameters (low fertility, vigour and pro d u c t i v i t y, optimal oenological values), when compared with the successfully cultivated Merlot vine variety in the same region, highlight the positive characteristics of Casavecchia.

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