The background and development of the ammonia treatment method is described. Advantages of the stack method for treatment of straw with ammonia are simplicity, cheapness (subsidized in Norway), storage at high moisture content, weed seeds killed (wild oats), nitrogen enrichment. Disadvantages are the relatively low energy value of the product and the release of ammonia in the barn (air pollution). Observations from feeding trials and practical experience in Norway can be summarized as follows: 1. — The organic matter digestibility of straw can be increased by 8–12 percentage units (sometimes more) as a result of ammonia treatment. 2. — The treatment increases the nitrogen content of the straw by 8–10 g kg −1. 3. — Ammonia treatment increases the intake of straw. 4. — Ammonia-treated straw has a nutritive value similar to that of low-quality hay. 5. — Ammonia-treated straw can make up the major part of the diet of wintering sheep. 6. — Ammonia-treated straw may be used as the only roughage for cattle from the end of the calf period (4–6 months). 7. — In intensive beef production, 3–4 kg/day of concentrates is necessary together with the ammonia-treated straw to obtain a daily gain of 1.0–1.2 kg. The animals will then eat 4–6 kg/day of ammonia-treated straw, depending on their live weight and the quality of the straw. 8. — In heifers, a lower daily gain is required and hence less concentrate is needed. A daily straw intake of 5–7 kg can be achieved. 9. — If the quality of the ammoniated straw is good, it can make up most of the diet of steers. Particularly in the second winter feeding period, 1–2-year-old steers can take large quantities, 8–11 kg, of ammonia-treated straw per day. 10. — Because of its low energy value, ammonia-treated straw has little potential in the feeding of high yielding dairy cows. The use of appreciable amounts of NH 3-straw in the rations of such animals can only be justified when the diet is otherwise lacking in fibre content.
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