
A 25-year-old male presented to the peripheral hospital with an alleged history of ingestion of amitraz toxin 12.5% (approximately 150 mL), and presented with complaints of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and weakness. On examination, he was conscious but disoriented and agitated, oxygen saturation (SpO2) was 89%–90% on room air, pulse rate was 40/min, blood pressure (BP) was 110/70 mmHg, and bilateral (B/L) crepitations were present on auscultation. Emergency treatment included – intravenous(IV) fluid, atropine 0.6 mg IV, and gastric lavage. Oxygen was given through an oxygen mask with a reservoir bag at 10 L/min. After some time, the patient's Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) started deteriorating, and arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis revealed severe acidosis with pH of 7.109, pCO2 – 73, and HCO3 – 23.1, and immediately, the patient was transferred to a higher center given falling GCS, decreased saturation, and ABG finding. On presentation in the emergency department in our tertiary care center, the patient was unconscious, SpO2 was 69% on oxygen nonrebreathing mask – NRBM Mask at 15 L, BP was 128/78 mmHg, pulse rate was 104/min, and B/L crepitations were present on auscultation. The patient was immediately intubated in casualty and shifted to the intensive care unit for further management. Amitraz is a triazapentadiene, 1,5 di (2,4 dimethylphenyl) 3 methyl 1,3,5 triaza penta 1,4 diene, a formamidine pesticide, α2 adrenergic agonist in the central nervous system belongs to the amidine chemical family. The systemic effect of amitraz toxin is due to the activation of the pure α2-adrenergic agonist. It is a rare kind of poisoning in humans, and there exists a paucity of literature on the management of the aforementioned poisoning. Only a limited number of case reports of human intoxication have been published and most of them are of accidental ingestion by children. Due to insubstantial data on its management, this case report will be advantageous for practitioners working in emergency and intensive care departments.

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