
Microflora, amino sugar content, and β-acetylglucosaminidase activity were investigated in a Wet Humus Podzolic Soil (Pwh soil); (FAO/UNESCO: Humic Podzols, U.S. Soil Taxonomy: Humods) and in an Alpine Brown Forest Soil (B D soil); (FAO/UNESCO: Humic Cambisols, U.S. Soil Taxonomy: Haplumbrepts) in a field on Mt. Shiga. 1) The numbers of bacteria and fungi, and the hyphal length decreased with increasing depth of the horizon in both soils. The numbers of bacteria and fungi, and hyphal length were larger in the organic horizon than in the mineral substrantum, and the hyphal length measured several km/g dry matter in the organic horizon. These results suggest that the role of fungi in the decomposition of organic materials is very important in this area. A close correlation was observed between the microflora and β-acetylglucosaminidase activity. 2) The amino sugar content in both soils decreased with the depth of tne soil horizon. However, the amino sugar content based on the amount of organic matter in the...

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