
The coastal communities of Kendari believe that sea worm as traditional drug can cure a wound, because some chemical compounds that exist in sea worms are suspected to have the compound. The aims of this study were to determine chemical compound, amino acid, fatty acid content, and mineral of flesh<br />sea worm (Siphonosoma australe-australe) from Toronipa Aquatic Province Sulawesi Southeast. The higest essential amino acid content on fresh sea worm was arginin (3.04%), and freeze dry was 5.52%. The higest non-essential amino acid content on fresh sea worm and freeze dry were glutamic acid 6.53% and 8.53% for <br />product resulted by freeze dry. The higest saturated attyacid (SF) content of fresh sea worm and freeze dry were palmatic acid (1.96% and 2.64%). The higest MUFA fatty acid content of fresh sea worm and freeze dry were plamitoleat acid 0.31% and 0.27%. The higest poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) of fresh sea worm and freeze dry were were aracidonat 2.80% and oleat acid 1.97%. The higest mineral content of wet sea worm and frezee dry were Natrium 43,700 mg/kg and 127,334 mg/kg.


  • The coastal communities of Kendari believe in sea worm as traditional drug to cure a wound, some chemical compounds exist in sea worms are suspected to have the compound

  • Einige organistions verhaltnisse von Sipunculusarten und ihre bedeutung fur die systematic dieser tiere

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Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daging cacing laut segar (Siphonosoma australe-australe) dan cacing laut (Siphonosoma australe-australe) hasil freeze dry yang berasal dari Perairan Toronipa, Kelurahan Toronipa Kecamatan Toronipa, Kabupatan Konawe, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Bahan-bahan untuk keperluan analisis meliputi tablet kjeltab (Merck), natrium hidroksida (Merck), asam borat (Merck), natrium hidroksida (Merck), asam borat (Merck), larutan bromocresol green (Merck), larutan metil merah, alkohol 96%, asam klorida pa (Merck), metanol pa (Merck), natrium asetat (Merck), trietilamin (Merck), pikoitosianat (Merck), asetonitril, asam nitrat (Merck), buffer fosfat, asam sulfat (Merck), asam perklorat (Merck), molibdatvanadat, natrium klorida, dan heksana (pa). Alat-alat yang digunakan antara lain desikator, sokhlet, kertas saring (whatman 42), kjeldahl sistem, kamera digital (Nikon D3200), tanur (Yamato tipe FM 38), timbangan analitik (Sartonius tipe TE15025), orbital shaker (WiseShake), oven (Yamato tipe DV-41), autoklaf (Yamato SM52), inkubator (Thermolyne type 42 000), rotary evaporator (EYELA N1001T), pemanas (Sibata tipe SB-6), high perfomance liquid chromatography (HPLC), dan atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS)

Metode Penelitian Prepearasi cacing laut
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Klasifikasi dan morfologi cacing laut
Morfometrik cacing laut
Komposisi kimia cacing laut
Kandungan asam amino cacing laut
Kandungan asam lemak cacing laut
Kandungan mineral dan logam cacing laut
Characteristics Analyses of Two
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