
The expansion of the production of products with specified functional indicators (cereals, bakery products, pasta, desserts, muesli, yogurts) and feed with a certain amino acid composition is the main task of the food industry and the feed industry, and naked oats have firmly occupied their own niche in these areas of processing. The purpose of the research is to establish the amino acid composition of oat proteins of the hulled oat variety Konkur and naked varieties Bekas and Baget, to assess the balance of essential amino acids in oat proteins relative to the «reference protein» (amino acid scale according to FAO / WHO data) in order to use grain as an additive in food and feed to increase the proportion of essential amino acids in them. The research was carried out during 2018-2022 at the experimental base of the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture. Grain samples of the varieties of filmy and naked oats Konkur, Bekas and Baget were used as experimental material. It was found that the highest proportion of essential amino acids was observed in varieties of naked oats 39,9-41,0 g/kg. The sum of critical amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan) in naked oat varieties was 9,4-9,6 g/kg, which is 1,1-1,3 g/kg higher than in the filmy variety Konkur. According to studies, 1 g of Konkur variety protein contains 249,7 mg of essential amino acids, proteins of naked oat variety Bekas - 268,4 mg and Baget variety - 262,9 mg, which corresponds to 69,4 %, 74,6 % and 73,0 % relative to FAO/WHO recommended standards. The excess of some essential amino acids in naked oat varieties (amino acid score over 100 %) contributed to the imbalance in the ratio of essential amino acids to the «reference» values, while increasing the coefficient of difference in amino acid scores (KRAS protein of Konkur variety was 24,2 %, Bekas variety 33,9 %, varieties Baget 35,5 %), thereby contributing to a decrease in the biological value of the proteins of the varieties Bekas and Baget in relation to the protein of the filmy variety Konkur. Grain of naked oats with a high content of essential amino acids should be used as an ingredient in the production of food and feed with high nutritional value.

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