
Non-invasive determination of H3 K27 alteration of pediatric brainstem glioma (pedBSG) remains a clinical challenge. To predict H3 K27-altered pedBSG using amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) imaging. This retrospective study included patients with pedBSG who underwent APTw imaging and had the H3 K27 alteration status determined by immunohistochemical staining. The presence or absence of foci of markedly increased APTw signal in the lesion was visually assessed. Quantitative APTw histogram parameters within the entire solid portion of tumors were extracted and compared between H3 K27-altered and wild-type groups using Student's t-test. The ability of APTw for differential diagnosis was evaluated using logistic regression. Sixty pedBSG patients included 48 patients with H3 K27-altered tumor (aged 2-48 years) and 12 patients with wild-type tumor (aged 3-53 years). Visual assessment showed that the foci of markedly increased APTw signal intensity were more common in the H3 K27-altered group than in wild-type group (60% vs. 16%, P = 0.007). Histogram parameters of APTw signal intensity in the H3 K27-altered group were significantly higher than those in the wild-type group (median, 2.74% vs. 2.22%, P = 0.02). The maximum (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] = 0.72, P = 0.01) showed the highest diagnostic performance among histogram analysis. A combination of age, median and maximum APTw signal intensity could predict H3 K27 alteration with a sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 75% and AUC of 0.80. APTw imaging may serve as an imaging biomarker for H3 K27 alteration of pedBSGs.

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