
The data for terrestrial magnetism, sunspots, and auroræ are the same as given in previous tables.The first three columns of the Table give (1) the magnetic character according to the scale 0–2 of the International Commission of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity, (2) the type featuring the day other than normal by letters b, p, o, and i for days marked by bay, rapid pulsations, long‐period oscillations, and irregular oscillatioris, respectively, and (3) the hour and minute of Greenwich mean time marking: the beginning of a storm, the end of the storm being indicated in the footnote to the Table. The next two columns give the data relating to sunspots: (1) the number of groups of spots and (2) the total number of spots. It is to be noted that sunspot‐numbers such as those from Zürich can be obtained from the number of groups and spots given in the Table by the formula N = k (10g+s), where k for Mount Wilson is about 0.77.

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