
AN American Institute of Biological Sciences has recently been established. The rapid advance of the biological sciences and their impact on human welfare have created new problems relating to the development and application of those sciences. During recent years many biologists have recognized that the biological sciences suffer from the lack of a service organisation, which would help the various biological societies to discharge more effectively those functions which are of common concern to them all, but which they cannot adequately exercise as individual societies. The new organisation is designed to fill this need as well as to serve the biological sciences in other ways. A governing board has now elected the officers and an executive committee. Recognizing the potential importance of this new undertaking for the advancement of the biological sciences, and through them for all biologists, the U.S. National Research Council has not only endorsed the programme, but has also agreed to make available the general services of the Council. As a part of the National Research Council, the Institute will also provide biologists with an agency through which they can maintain close relations with governmental activities and with other fields of science represented within the Council.

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