
To the Editor: —Amebic infections of the skin have been described by some authors following the surgical treatment of amebic abscess of the liver (Heimburger, L. F.:Arch. Dermat. & Syph.11:49, 1925, and Van Hoof, L.:Ann. Soc. belge de med. trop.6:45, 1926), the drainage after appendectomy (Cole, W. H., and Heideman, M. L.:J. A. M. A.92:537 [Feb. 16] 1929), or as anal amebiasis (Kouri, P.; Iriondo, M., and Peraza, J. A.:Rev. Kuba5:93, 1949). I have seen two patients with amebic infection of the foot, without any relation to intestinal amebiasis. The special conditions of the country must be mentioned: a very high percentage of the population are amebic cystpassers and deposit the stools in the yards between the houses. The result is that in the dry season the dust contains the amebic cyst. One patient, a 32-year-old Italian welder,

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