
This article presents a promising embedded control system designed to implement highly complex algorithms in industrial equipment that requires multi-axis positioning and high-speed data transmission. Brief information about the current trends in the development of the user interface of industrial equipment is given, the relevance of control systems with a graphical interface and support for touch displays is noted. The characteristics of the previously developed control system (based on the Zynq-7000 chip) are given, the shortcomings of this system are noted. The use of the Kria SOM module, developed by AMD-Xilinx (USA), is proposed. The key functional blocks of the control system are indicated, the structure of the embedded software is briefly shown. A comparison of two variants of the system — based on Zynq-7000 and Kria SOM — is made. The conclusion about the advantages of using the Kria SOM module (namely: the increase in the speed of mathematical calculations up to 5 times — depending on the task, decrease in the cost of components up to 10 times, simplification of the design of a printed circuit board by reducing the number of layers from 14—16 to 10, significant reduction in time cost of developing a circuit diagram and printed circuit board) is made. The advantages of the Kria SOM as the basis for building a control system with artificial intelligence capabilities are noted.

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