
PurposeTo study AMD drusenoid deposits “P”, Protein‐Cellular Type with multimodal imaging,to characterize their morphologic type, evolution, to consider etiopathogeny, biomarker featuresMethods148 eyes of 74 AMD patients. AMD drusenoid deposits “P”,Protein‐Cellular Type:Cuticular drusen,Drusenoid PED “P”, Subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD),Pseudovitellifom AMD were evaluated by Autofluorescence,IR imaging,ETDRS visual acuity (VA),ophthalmic examination with Ocular Fundus,Ocular Confocal Tomography exam(spectral domain OCT, OCT en Face software). Size, characteristics, number, topography of the lesions, growth way were evaluated, also their environment above, below and evolution. Each element was studied, compared cut to cut,layer to layer,time to time.ResultsVA stabilized in 90%. Pseudovitelliform AMD are little, irregular upper limit drusenoid PED. Cuticular drusen appear, uniform, round, white, under retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). SDD deposits are white, homogeneous,quite similar in all cross‐section, FA and ICG too, nearby upper side RPE layer. Drusenoid PED “P” were dense,white, granular,different in all cross‐sections,heterogeneous PED, below RPE,with abnormal RPE above,heavily unstructured.Multimodal imaging,especially OCT en Face, let individualize “P” drusenoid deposits.Evolution was‐choriocapillaris change‐pigment epithelium involution:more dense, irregular, inhomogeneous, crumbled‐inflammation‐neovascular signs even net.Specific metabolic defect outcome, etiopathogenic pathways appear: “P” drusenoid deposit is mostly enrolled in protein‐cellular metabolic pathway dysfunction with rather evolution to neovascular complication. So it would build up its biomarker feature.ConclusionsAMD Drusenoid deposits “P”, Protein‐Cellular type study,knowledge,evolution,notably with multimodal imaging, OCT en Face contribute to and improve AMD understanding, prognosis, etiopathogic concept.

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