
work presents a shallow water ambient noise analysis and modeling effort in the Arabian Sea. Real ambient noise recording at very shallow depths has been analyzed for two environmentally unique periods when the sound velocity profile and the wind conditions present distinct characteristics. Ambient noise data were collected for January and March in the shallow water of Arabian Sea between the wind speed 0.0 m/s to 4.11 m/s. The relative spectral energy distribution of sea noise is presented for a number of wind speeds. Linear relationship between the sea noise spectrum levels and the wind speed were found for the entire frequency range, but the slope were frequency dependent. The results of empirical fitting based on the analysis were used for noise level prediction and the model predictions were compared with the measured noise level. Such study post extensive validation has the potential to develop predictive models for ambient noise estimation based on recorded data. dependent coefficient. The ambient noise was also shown to be site specific in shallow water where speed of the sound and the bottom properties vary substantially with the location. Gayer & Wille (1984) in their work made measurements in North Sea and Baltic Sea and reported that the influence of propagation loss on the wind dependent shallow water noise appears to be marginal even at extremely different area. It was observed that the contradicting behavior of the summer and winter noise levels was due to wind stress at sea surface. Similar work by Ingenito (1989) on site dependence of wind- dominated ambient noise in shallow water reported lower noise level of around 2 dB in the silt bottom at wind speed of 7 m/s when compared to sand bottom at wind speed 3-5 m/s and variability of 10 dB in the average noise spectrum level was observed in the essential fraction of the entire range of the spectrum. The large spread of wind generated noise levels measured for the same wind speed and wave height in the absence of other noise sources is essentially attributed to the site dependence and the primary site dependent factor that influence the noise level being acoustic propagation which in turn are dependent on the season, ocean depth and the bottom composition . Piggott (1964), has reported a logarithm relation for the ambient noise and the wind speed based on his study at two depths in very shallow water (36 m and 51 m), where the non wind dependent factors were reported to be not significant and the contribution of the wind dominated source was observe to be dominant at nearly all wind speeds and all frequencies. The relation has been extensively validated by numerous researchers and adapted for varying sites. The relation is presented below for reference:

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