
Due the domestic industrial poultry farming at the current stage development requires the improvement of the feed base and the introduction of advanced technologies that contribute to the full realization of the high genetic potential inherent in modern meat and egg crosses as well as the production of the planned volume of high-quality incubation eggs and full-fledged, high-quality breeding day-old chicken, this study is relevant and significant. The article presents data of the level of egg production of the herd when young chickens are included in the diet at the beginning of the spreading of cake from amaranth seeds of the new variety "Voronezh" and the subsequent changes in the quality indicators of incubation eggs and daily young under the influence of the tested diet. As a result of the study of morphological and biochemical parameters of the incubation egg, a day-old chicken, a positive effect of chicken diets, with the introduction of amaranth cake into their composition, on the qualitative indicators of egg composition, growth and development of embryos, which leads to a higher-quality breeding chicken, in large volumes, with a stronger immune system capable of resist external and internal negative factors.

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