
Software development is closely related to several Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) processes. PT Inamas Sintesis Teknologi (INASTEK) is committed to helping employees work easier through Internet of Things (IoT) based technology. This research aims to manage a project for making your Plant Monitoring Application (AMANDA) which can be accessed via a smartphone. This research method uses agile scrum which can adapt to user needs which can be developed repeatedly and the Trello application as an archive of sprint data for each division. The results of this study are the AMANDA application which is able to monitor and control strawberry plants in real-time which is equipped with a menu of temperature, humidity, ec meter, ph meter, water level, soil moisture, liquid temp, co2 level, water pump, nutrient pump, pump pH, sample pump, plant pump, and pipe valve with 3 second delay. Work on this application development project with a duration of 3.5 months and a total cost of Rp. 13,999,891 involving PT INASTEK as product owner, Product Management Division as scrum master, and Engineering Division as development team. With the AMANDA application, it can help PT. INASTEK in developing the projects they have.

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