
Software engineering is used in order to develop larger and complex software products. As software product is needed in almost all the industries, software engineering becomes really important. Software development can be done through various software development life cycle (SDLC) models like waterfall model, agile model, spiral model, prototype model, etc. SDLC is a framework that defines the tasks that to be performed at each step in the development process. Authors are mainly focusing on two models (i.e., waterfall and agile model). Waterfall model is a serial model which follows a strict sequence. Agile methodology can be divided into scrum methodology and extreme programming. Scrum methodology mainly focuses on how to manage tasks in a team-based environment. Scrum consists of three main roles. They are scrum master, product owner, and scrum team. While comparing both the models, the main difference obtained is waterfall does not allow any customer involvement while agile does allow it.

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