
The tropical Americas produce a wide variety of fruits, many with very good quality characteristics. Most are consumed in the region where they are produced, and many are not well known in the markets of developing countries. In recent years consumers in developed countries have become increasingly interested in trying new and different fruits. This study presents five tropical fruit produced on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, that are not well known in international markets and presents the feasibility of their introduction into and marketing in Europe. Descriptions are given of five fruits: mamey sapote (Calocarpum mammosum), sapota (Achra sapota), custard apple (Annona squamosa), dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) and star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito). Their principal uses are listed and important characteristics for their marketing are noted. They are harvested in different seasons, ranging from winter to spring and summer and some are known to Europeans who have traveled to tropical countries. Given their quality characteristics and good acceptance, they are considered as potentially promising for successful introduction into the European tropical fruit market.

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